Film Tape, Glass Cloth Tape, Skived Tape, PTFE Film, PTFE Fabric, PTFE Belts

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Your single source for Industrial PTFE Packaging Supplies and tapes since 1976.

Industrial PTFE - The Leader in Envelopes and Labels

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE); It's a big word that not everyone uses but everyone knows its meaning, because PTFE is most recognized as teflon. Teflon is a substance that was accidentally discovered in 1938 but has been utilized in multiple ways since, including industrial supplies and materials such as teflon belts, teflon films, teflon fabrics and teflon tapes. This site will give an overview of these teflon products and will explain their markets and applications.

Industrial products made with Teflon have the ability to withstand extreme heat and it's non-stick surface makes it a valuable commodity for both industrial and commercial purposes.

Your Single-Source Packaging Supplier - Industrial PTFE

PTFE Tapes

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Why choose Industrial PTFE

Proudly celebrating
over 30 years
  • People. Knowledge. Solutions.
  • We are your ONE source packaging supplier, and serving you is our ONE priority.
  • We'll set you up with the best packaging equipment and products on the market.
  • Premium Suppliers at Your Fingertips.
  • Delivery Stats: 99.83% Accuracy... That's something you can rely on.
  • Industrial PTFE will provide you will all the packaging solutions you need.
  • You can be fully equipped even down to the tiniest detail.

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